Thursday, July 30, 2015

What should I plant next??

Hi All!  I have been busy with work and my family these past few weeks and have fallen behind with my blog posts.  We were lucky enough to take a short family vacation to Southern Maine a few weekends ago.  This what just what we needed to recharge our batteries and get much needed family relaxation time.  I have been after my husband for some time to put together my green house.  It looks like it will finally be going up next week.  Last fall we got a 6 x 8 greenhouse on a super discount.  It is very simple.  I wanted a way to extend my growing season and also be able to start my seeds earlier in the spring time.  The crazy snow we had this year set me back and my crops suffered.  Here is a stock picture of my greenhouse.  Not quite sure why the woman is bringing what looks like a Poinsettia into an empty greenhouse but you get the idea!!
I've been doing some research and have reserved a few books from my local library in hopes of quickly mastering this and creating the best crops during the fall and winter time.
Things I'm looking into:

-What exactly is a cold frame and will I need to put them inside my garden to really magnify the heat?
-What will be the best veggies to grow?
-What should I consider when choosing a spot for my greenhouse- light/direct sunlight?
-Will they grow all winter or go dormant for a short period of time when sunlight is at a minimum?

**Would love to know your successes or past failures!!